Foldover Strike Publique Deposited

  • Foldover Strike.  A badly contorted struck piece whose shape indicates its blank was not lying in a flat coining position between the two dies when it was struck. No two such foldover strikes are ever alike and the extreme case is a piece struck only on the edge, an  edge strike. While coining experts are uncertain exactly how these striking anomalies occur, it is surmised that the blank is spinning when the piece is struck. The blank does not fall into position within the collar but catches on some part of the feeder mechanism to start it spinning. The dies must have retracted enough to allow a clearance for this to occur. Existing foldover specimens are quite scarce indicating the rare occurrence of this error. Mostly the struck portion is considerably off center.

    excerpted with permission from

    An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

    For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


    Roger W. Burdette, Editor

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