Medalet Publique Deposited
- Medalet. A small medal less than one inch diameter, not intended to be worn. If intended to be worn it is a charm, pin or insignia. Specifically, a medalet is a medal smaller than 25mm (one inch is 25.4mm). The ease of reducing a model to cut a die less than one inch on a modern die-cutting pantograph makes the production of medalets quite easy. However, a satisfactory medal of such small size is not always a reduction of a larger medal. Also medalets can be struck on a variety of presses, even drop hammer (which cannot strike larger pieces). The small size makes them charming, and the desire to make medalets into charms is the addition of a loop.
excerpted with permission from
An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology
For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators
Roger W. Burdette, Editor