Presentation 上市 Deposited
- Presentation. The bestowing of a medallic item as an award or recognition upon a person or organization. A medal may –or may not – be inscribed with the recipient's name but it usually is housed in a case for such presentation. Customarily this occurs at a presentation ceremony, and a printed or engrossed citation accompanies the award. Asa further embellishment the recipient may also be given a miniature of the medal – hung from a ribbon drape – for wear on formal attire. The recipient may be allowed to purchase additional miniature copies of the medal he or she won for use of their personal family; generally the recipient is not allowed a duplicate of the full size medal (unless the original is stolen or destroyed during their lifetime – see copies and replicas). Presentations of other medallic items – as medallions, plaques, sets or whatever – do occur. The medium of medallic art is uniquely appropriate to such presentations because of the adaptability of medallic art to a narrow theme or subject and the ease of customizing the object to a particular event or person.
excerpted with permission from
An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology
For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators
Roger W. Burdette, Editor