Reeded Rim Pubblico Deposited
- Reeded Rim. A type of border with minute ridges or raised lines around the outermost circumference. These minute lines may have been thought to help protect the relief on the surface of the item and usually appear on both sides. They occur on some British medals of the mid to late 19th century and are a characteristic style of British engravers J.A. Restall and A.E.L. Rost. The earliest are the New Royal Exchange Building Medal and the Thomas Haliday Medal, both of 1842. One of the last such medals is the Guildhall Colonial and Indian Reception Medal of 1886. Reeded rims (with ridges on top of the rim) differ from radial line border (which rise from the field and forms a border element).
excerpted with permission from
An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology
For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators
Roger W. Burdette, Editor