Silhouette Relief Publique Deposited
- Silhouette Relief. A flat, raised-relief design of outline form with no modulated detail; a sculptural pictograph. The style is considered futuristic, as if the object has not yet existed therefore its surface details are not yet known. (It also implies the artist is lazy or incompetent to model the detail, so artists are hesitant to do many of these in their careers.) Silhouette relief is ideal for creating by tracer controlled pantographs where an operator of minimal skill can cut dies in silhouette relief without the knowledge of sculptural ability. These are formed from two-dimensional drawings or cartoons.The following entry is a stub. You may wish to submit further content which describes the subject in greater detail. It also needs photo(s) or drawing(s) to exemplify the subject or content. Contact editor:
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An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology
For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators
Roger W. Burdette, Editor