Spinner Público Deposited

  • Spinner.  A medal or token used in games of chance which has a pointer on one side and a center projection point on the other allowing it to rotate or spin on a flat surface. A number of spinner medals were issued for the 1939-40 New York World's Fair in which the Trylon of the Fair's symbol, Trylon and Perisphere, was the pointer (these included Weidhaas 40-3, 45-8 and 43-4). A United Nations Pledge Medal, circa 1948, has an arrow on the reverse with obverse center point (it is Hibler & Kappen 914-15).

    Optical illusion spinner.  While not for games of chance, but an interesting numismatic oddity is the spinner variety in which the obverse and reverse designs blend into one view as an optical illusion when the piece is spun. Collectors call these edge spinners. This type spinner does not have the center projection point but is held at the top and bottom (some varieties have a metal holder with fulcrums at these two points). When spun the viewer sees both images, obverse and reverse, as one superimposed view. An example is the Pan-Pacific International Exposition Copulating Bears Medal of 1915. One bear is on each side, but when spun it appears with one bear on top of the other.

    excerpted with permission from

    An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

    For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


    Roger W. Burdette, Editor
