Splash Striking Public Deposited

  • Splash Striking.  Striking medallic items in a press with no collar to restrain the outward flow of metal between the dies. In one case a somewhat oversize blank is used and when struck the extruded metal from between the dies merges with metal of the perimeter of the blank that often forms a slightly buckled border.  In another case a blank with a purposely irregular shape is used to form an indistinct, irregularly shaped, slightly raised border as intended. Normally such extruded material when struck without a collar -- called flash -- is later removed by trimming.

                In America splash striking applies only to the use of coinage dies without the collar to strike such pieces. In England splash striking has a wider meaning. It is a term for all striking with open face dies. Not only is the term different but open face dies are called box dies in England.  See open face die.

    excerpted with permission from

    An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

    For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


    Roger W. Burdette, Editor
