Tote Box Pubblico Deposited
- Tote Box. A container for conveying manufactured items, blanks or dies from one work station to another, usually by hand. In long coinage runs a receiving basket or hopper is used, mechanical and motorized hopper carts are used for very large coinage runs. A particular kind of tote box was used in European mints – with sloping sides, high in the back, low in the front – this was illustrated in eighteenth century literature on mints and used until 1950 at the Royal Mint in London according to author Denis Cooper. Hand tote boxes were made of wood until very modern times when they were made of plastic. For proof coinage tote boxes are lined with antitarnish paper.
excerpted with permission from
An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology
For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators
Roger W. Burdette, Editor