Two-part Medal 上市 Deposited
- Two-part Medal. A medallic item of two separate unattached parts which form the complete item. The two parts lie loose fitting within each other, sometimes in an intricate manner (like a puzzle). The inventor of the two-part medal was Kauko Rasanen whose Jonah in the Whale first appeared in 1969. The whale appeared on the outside obverse and reverse. When the two horizontal halves are broken apart a design of Jonah is revealed inside on the two interface surfaces. Some form of keying, as notching or lettering, assists in seating the two halves correctly together again. The development of the two- part medal led, obviously, to those of more than two parts, spearheaded by inventor Rasanen, and all such items are now classed as multipart medals.
excerpted with permission from
An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology
For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators
Roger W. Burdette, Editor