Rosette Publique Deposited
- Rosette. (1) A typographic ornament shaped like a rose with symmetrical pedals infrequently appearing on coins or medals. Rosettes are used like center dots or stops in legends or inscriptions. They were applied by punches along with other lettering by the engraver or diesinker.Numismatic researcher Wesley S. Cox Sr. made a study of early American diesinkers by their punches. He found that Wright & Bale (1829-1833) used a distinctive punch of a rosette. While not quite qualifying as a mintmark or hallmark, this particular rosette verified any struck piece bearing this particular rosette was of their manufacture.Reference: S5 {1974} Stafford and Ware, 184.S60 {2001} Rulau, The Standard Catalog of Hard Times Tokens, p 147, 159-160 (reports Wesley Co punch studies).
excerpted with permission from
An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology
For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators
Roger W. Burdette, Editor