Aduana numismatica Public Deposited
- U.S. Customs laws related to numismatic items entering the USA. Gold coins, medals and bullion may be brought into the U.S. without duty, but these items must be declared to a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer. All currency and monetary instruments over $10,000 require documentation. Regulations prohibit items originating in or brought from Cuba, Iran, and Sudan. Copies of gold coins must be properly marked by the issuing country. Importing counterfeit coins is prohibited. Any merchandise for commercial resale with a value above $1,000, whether dutiable or not, requires a formal entry form. A personal coin collection is no problem. If a CBP agent believes your coins are for commercial resale, there are complications calling for a licensed customs broker and impounding the coins in a secured vault - which may not exist at your arrival point.
- Numiscadero Spanish to English Glossary (Gary Beals)