Pop culture on NCLT coins Público Deposited

  • Dozens of nations in recent decades have abandoned dignity to mint coins for unsophisticated collectors. Cartoon characters such as Peanuts, Scubby-Doo and the cat Garfield join Mickey Mouse appearing on such NCLT coins. Elvis is on Marshall Islands coins and Diana, Princess of Wales is on several foreign nations� coins. Tennis player Steffi Graf appears on coins of the Pacific mini-nation of Nuie. Marilyn Monroe and Roy Rogers are on Liberia coins. The Isle of Man issues images of coins with racecars, blimps, airplanes, athletes, flowers, wild animals, sail boats, warplanes, and more. A triangular coin was minted by Bermuda. Get it? - the Bermuda triangle. One national mint puts kittens on its coins with multi-color pad printing.
  • Numiscadero Spanish to English Glossary (Gary Beals)
