Koszta, Martin Público Deposited

  • Born in Belanyes, Hungary. Employed as a town crier while in his teens. Joined the army in 1848 and rose to the rank of captain. He was exiled to Turkey in 1849 with other followers of General Kossuth.

    He came to America about 1851. On July 31, 1852, in New York City, he declared his intention to become a citizen. In America he was employed as a stevedore and as a night watchman.

    He returned to Turkey to represent American business interests. While at Smyrna he was seized June 21, 1853, by armed Greeks acting for the Austrians and detained on the Hussar. Duncan Ingraham, in command of the St. Louis, demanded his return and prepared to take him back by force. The Austrians agreed to turn over Koszta to the French counsel July 2, 1853. (see Ingraham)

    On December 12, 1854, he married a widow, Lucinda McFall. They lived in Chicago and moved to the area near Galveston, Texas, in 1855. He went to Guatemala about 1857 and died there in 1858.

    Congress honored Ingraham with a gold medal by resolution of Congress August 4, 1854. The medal (Julian NA-26) was designed by Seth Eastman. The obverse was engraved by Peter Cross and reverse by James Longacre.

Data de nascimento
  • 1819
Local de nascimento
  • Belanyes, Hungary
Data da morte
  • 1858
