Taxay, Donald Paul Público Deposited

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  • (fl. 1957-1974)

    Born in Chicago. Graduate of American Conservatory of Music. Married Constance "Connie" Ferris in December 1977. Divorced in 1982.

    With Royal Athena Coin Galleries. Employee of New Netherlands Coin Company. In 1963 he joined Walter Breen to form the Institute of Numismatic Authenticators. In April 1964 he was appointed curator of the Chase Manhattan Bank Money Museum. He resigned effective May 18, 1966. In 1967 he operated an authentication and appraisal service in New York City. President of Harmer Rooke Numismatics in 1969. In 1974 he joined Harry J. Forman in the firm Forman, Taxay and Associates. In 1975 he was appointed senior vice president for First Coinvestors, Inc. Director of their Colonial American Coin Club.

    Author of Counterfeit, Mis-struck, and Unofficial U.S. Coins, A Guide For the Detection of Cast and Struck Counterfeits, Electrotypes and Altered Coins in 1963. Author of The U. S. Mint and Coinage in 1966. Author of An Illustrated History of U. S. Commemorative Coinage in 1967. Author of Money of The American Indians and Other Primitive Currencies of the Americas in 1970. Author of The Comprehensive Catalogue and Encyclopedia of United States Coins published in 1971. A second edition was published in 1976.

Fecha de nacimiento
  • 1933-05-24
Lugar de nacimiento
  • Chicago
