Eric P. Newman Research Files (Hard Times Tokens) Pubblico Deposited
- Eric P. Newman correspondence file on hard times tokens, primarily related to his article The Promotion and Suppression of Hard Times Tokens and related presentations. The article was published in the American Numismatic Society Coinage of Americas Conference proceedings no. 10 (The Token: America’s Other Money) in 1995, and also in the Clain-Stefanelli festschrift Italiam Fato Profugi Hesperinaque Venerunt Litora in 1996. Newman delivered related presentations at the American Numismatic Association convention on August 11, 1989 and again at the Coinage of Americas Conference on October 29, 1994. The ANA presentation is accessible at The article was originally intended for Italiam Fato Profugi but the publication of this festschrift was greatly delayed.