Hawn, Reed Público Deposited

  • (L98)

    Born in Corpus Christi, Texas. Received B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin in 1971. Married to Margaret with three children. Owner of Hawn Arabians horse ranch. Has investments in gas and oil. Hawn began collecting coins at age 12 (1961). While still a teen-ager, he began a long term relationship with Stacks.

    The Hawn collection of half dollars was sold at auction by Stacks August 28-29, 1973. His collection of quarters was sold by Stacks March 11-12, 1977. His 1913 Liberty nickel and class I 1804 silver dollar were sold with other rarities by Stacks October 13-14, 1993.

    profile: CAT Stacks, 1993 (none in 73 or 77 CATs)

Fecha de nacimiento
  • 1949-02-20
Lugar de nacimiento
  • Corpus Christi, Texas
