Selling on the Internet Publique Deposited

Barry Stuppler gives expert advice on the best way to sell your coins, currency and collectibles on the Internet. Whether you just want to realize the best price on Ebay or what to know the details of how to set up a hot website to really move your inventory, this video tells all: - What other websites to study - Duties of a webmaster and the questions to ask - Costs of website creation - Emails and links - How often to change the site and why - How to drive traffic to your site - The importance of learning some HTML - How to select a name and what to include in "about me" - When selling on E-Bay, how to find the correct category - Importance of photographs, bid terms, closing days and times - What equipment you will need to get started Speaker(s): Barry Stuppler.

Date publiée
  • 2001-08-20
Nombre de pages Vidéo
  • 0

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Auteur NNP