Wass, Molitor & Co.

The gold-smelting and assaying plant of Wass, Molitor & Co. was operated by two Hungarians, Count S.C. Wass and A.P. Molitor. They maintained an excellent laboratory and complete apparatus for analysis and coinage of gold. The company struck five-, ten-, twenty-, and fifty-dollar coins. In 1852 they produced a ten dollar piece similar in design to the five-dollar denomination. The difference is in the reverse legend, which reads: S.M.V. [Standard Mint Value] CALIFORNIA GOLD TEN D. No pieces were coined in 1853 or 1854, but they brought out the twenty- and fifty-dollar pieces in 1855. A considerable number of the fifty-dollar coins were made. There was a ten-dollar piece issued in 1855 also, with the Liberty head and small close date.

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