[Colonial Numismatics] Questionable 1776 Machins Mills? Publique Deposited


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  • From ershye@aol.com Sun Sep 02 19:11:06 2001
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    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Questionable 1776 Machins Mills?
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    Hi Ray. Not only is that not a Machins Mills piece but it is a 1775
    counterfeit as well. The five in the date is slanted in this variety so if it
    is not completely full and bold it gives the impression of being a six.


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    <HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>Hi Ray. Not only is that not a Machins Mills piece but it is a 1775
    <BR>counterfeit as well. The five in the date is slanted in this variety so if it
    <BR>is not completely full and bold it gives the impression of being a six.

URL source Date publiée
  • 2001-09-02
  • 1

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