_R-40=3F_=93unique=94_=93Baby_Face=94_1773/2/1=3F?= Publique Deposited
- From bkweston@lazerlink.com Mon Sep 30 09:15:56 2002
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Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 16:15:45 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?q?Re:_R-40=3F_=93unique=94_=93Baby_Face=94_1773/2/1=3F?=
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--- In colonial-coins@y..., "Clement V. Schettino (Clem)"
<CopperClem@a...> wrote:
> John,
> For your information I have identified MANY duplicate counterfeit
> British and Irish halfpence in my own collection and have seen
> more identical varieties, as a matter of fact I own an example of
> your "unique" "Baby Face" 1773/2/1, as does Mike R. It belongs to
> rather large Family of counterfeits and I consider the date to be
> blundered 1773. But that is merely my opinion.
> Clem
Yes, I recognized the variety as well, and agree that the date is
more of a blunder than an overdate, per se. Ditto on your duplicates
comment as well, Clem.
John, the starting time of your lot posts show around 6:30PST, which
should have been around 9:30EST, but they did not show up eBay until
after I went to bed, I assume, as they weren't there until this
morning. Why is that?
Also, I notice that Bill did not separate out one of the 1770-dated
counterfeit halfpence for separate sale - too bad!
Byron - 2002-09-30
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