[Colonial Numismatics] wound down Öffentlichkeit Deposited
- From bkweston@verizon.net Thu Oct 12 16:30:30 2006
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From: "Byron Weston" <bkweston@verizon.net>
Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] wound down
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--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "Freidus, Daniel"=20
<freidus@...> wrote:
> Byron,
> What diagnostic definitively identifies the undertype in this case?
> Dan
> P.S. Not doubting you, I'm just less experienced than you with this
> series.
I'm not all that experienced with this series either Dan, but a good=20
question nonetheless.
I originally thought the undertype was V.18-87C. The power of=20
suggestion by the seller saying in his description that the date on=20
the reverse was 178X, plus the ordinal being close to the front of=20
George's head; being closer on the 18 obv. than on the 19 obv., is=20
what made me, at first, think that the undertype was 18-87C.
Luckily for me I have Gary Trudgen double checking my attributions=20
and he's pointed out that the visible date numerals on the back are=20
actually X778, and that the front of the bustline is visible and=20
matches that on the 12 obverse with the ordinal also being close to=20
the forehead on the 12 obverse. I believe what clued him in though=20
was the end of the staff in relation to the date numerals as on the=20
78B reverse.
Gary also mentioned the style of the R in REX and the relative=20
positions and styles of these visible letters.
The comparison image of 12-78B is a little out sync with the=20
overstrike image sizewise but I had no trouble relating these=20
diagnostics from the images Gary provided.
Byron - 2006-10-12
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