[Colonial Numismatics] Wood 33 = English Evasion Publique Deposited


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  • From CNLF@Comcast.net Mon Jan 21 16:20:48 2008
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    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Wood 33 = English Evasion
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    JOHN -- et al

    The URL to the Blacksmiths eSIG is


    If someone is not now a member, just click on "Join this group".



    John Lorenzo wrote:
    > I did send my W33 specimens to Morris awhile back when we were
    > discussing the W33/Evasion attribution and at that point I mentioned
    > the legend change from the Blacksmith Wood reference and the Baker
    > confirmation discussion of 1995 from BITIT to BRTIT. Remember - this
    > legend was BITIT for 85 years - lets be patient here - lets see what
    > Morris has after looking at my W33's and what he had in his
    > collection - I may have closed the door a bit too quickly here - on
    > other possibilities. My collection is able to viewed as Jim S. has
    > mentioned if anyone cares to view a good size group of W33's at the
    > Yahoo-Blacksmith Chat Room site. I am sure you can contact JS as he
    > likes to add members to E-Sig groups - right Jim <BG>.
    > --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "John Lorenzo" <jlorenzo@...>
    > wrote:
    >> Thanks Clem - the one thing I CAN NOT answer here is - Is there
    > more
    >> than one die therefore creating more than one legend variation? I
    >> was always working under the assumption it was only ONE particular
    >> Britain abbreviation with only one working die or if you will only
    >> one die marriage when I reported this finding to Baker in 2/1995. I
    >> think? Morris's work may have extended this to several? die
    > marriages
    >> or die states which may be confusing the overall picture or people
    >> not seeing anything close to an R. I really do not think its die
    >> state as its probably more of a specimen preservation issue if its
    >> indeed only one obverse and one reverse die for W33. You really
    > need
    >> to have a good Wood 33 - almost XF+/AU minimally to see the R - my
    >> 2Cents anyway. This whole investigation needs further work.
    >> --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "Clement V. Schettino"
    >> <copperclem@> wrote:
    >>> Hang in there John. I'm not totally sure about what else you're
    >> saying here
    >>> or even if we're talking about the same thing, but the example
    > I'm
    >> looking
    >>> at has the "other" angled upright to the R, clear enough for me.
    >>> Clem
    >>> _____
    >>> From: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com [mailto:colonial-
    >> coins@yahoogroups.com]
    >>> On Behalf Of John Lorenzo
    >>> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 12:25 PM
    >>> To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
    >>> Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Wood 33 = English Evasion
    >>> Look first for the presence of die polishing lines on the tops of
    >>> the letters ... then proceed to your interpretation of BRITAIN.
    > If
    >>> the die polishing lines are not present with a loop it may either
    >> be
    >>> another die (i.e., we would expect more than one die marriage
    >>> marriage here - particularly after the situation when Ringo try
    > to
    >>> sell me 150 W33 examples in one transaction in the 90's which
    >>> eventaully went to a Maine Collector) or the grade may not be
    > high
    >>> enough on the correct die to see the faint images to complete the
    >>> word BRTIT. Keep digging ... on the most common R1 Evasion. In
    > may
    >>> be that this is the only R1 Evasion known ... right Morris?
    >>> --- In colonial-coins@ <mailto:colonial-coins%40yahoogroups.com>
    >>> yahoogroups.com, "j.howes" <j.howes@> wrote:
    >>>> I don't see any indication of an R. So, I would like to see
    >>> somone post an
    >>>> image that shows an early die state.
    >>>> ----- Original Message -----
    >>>> From: "Oliver D. Hoover" <oliver.hoover@>
    >>>> To: <colonial-coins@ <mailto:colonial-coins%40yahoogroups.com>
    >>> yahoogroups.com>
    >>>> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 11:36 AM
    >>>> Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Wood 33 = English Evasion
    >>>> You can make out the slight tail of the R on my example too.
    >>>> Oliver
    >>>> On 21-Jan-08, at 11:34 AM, B B wrote:
    >>>>> Here's an image from the Blacksmiths site folder.
    >>>>> BB
    >>>>> --- B B <rlbcomuser@> wrote:
    >>>>>> All;
    >>>>>> Of the five pieces I have lying around here at home
    >>>>>> two have remnants of the foot or tail on the R.
    >>>>>> They
    >>>>>> are not really high grade examples so I would assume
    >>>>>> they are early die states. The legend definately
    >>>>>> reads BRTIT., So its undoubtably evasive. The
    >>>>>> mystery
    >>>>>> is the predominance of species in North America.
    >>>>>> This is most unusual for an evasion.
    >>>>>> As for the rocks, pillows or clowds, everything on
    >>>>>> both central devices is kind of rounded and
    >>>>>> indistinct
    >>>>>> and I just assumed that was the engravers style.
    >>>>>> Makes for a somewaht pleasing although Yogi Berra
    >>>>>> looking Geoge III bust.
    >>>>>> I don't have images of these early ststes at this
    >>>>>> point, but could get them tomorrow if there is an
    >>>>>> interest.
    >>>>>> Bob
    >>>>>> --- "Oliver D. Hoover" <oliver.hoover@>
    >>>>>> wrote:
    >>>>>>> It makes me think of a really lame attempt to
    >>>>>>> imitate the rocks on
    >>>>>>> the 1722 Hibernia pattern. Of course, I have no
    >>>>>> idea
    >>>>>>> why someone
    >>>>>>> might do such a thing.
    >>>>>>> Oliver
    >>>>>>> On 21-Jan-08, at 9:33 AM, j.howes wrote:
    >>>>>>>> Clem,
    >>>>>>>> OK I'll bite. I attached an image of my Wood
    >>>>>> 33.
    >>>>>>> Its a pretty
    >>>>>>>> high grade also. In fact I am interested in
    >>>>>>> seeing any images of
    >>>>>>>> better ones. Also can you post the image you
    >>>>>>> mention that shows
    >>>>>>>> the die may have been lapped. I have never seen
    >>>>>>> any other die
    >>>>>>>> states but I can't say that I have looked at
    >>>>>> more
    >>>>>>> than a few of these.
    >>>>>>>> I think the "pile of ambergris" as you pungently
    >>>>>>> put it looks like
    >>>>>>>> a pile of rocks to me or maybe a bag of clouds
    >>>>>> :-)
    >>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
    >>>>>>>> From: Clement V. Schettino
    >>>>>>>> To: colonial-coins@ <mailto:colonial-coins%
    > 40yahoogroups.com>
    >>> yahoogroups.com
    >>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 8:46 AM
    >>>>>>>> Subject: RE: [Colonial Numismatics] Wood 33 =
    >>>>>>> English Evasion
    >>>>>>>> Hey Jack,
    >>>>>>>> Oh well, I guess if I want someone to "talk" to
    >>>>>>> I'll have to "talk"
    >>>>>>>> about this ;-)
    >>>>>>>> I agree that it does not look like an `R' on
    >>>>>> your
    >>>>>>> piece Jack or my
    >>>>>>>> piece (attached). And mine also sports that
    >>>>>> little
    >>>>>>> perpendicular
    >>>>>>>> from the upright that yours shows intimating a
    >>>>>>> `P'.
    >>>>>>>> But I do have an image in my files which pretty
    >>>>>>> clearly shows at
    >>>>>>>> one time, probably before the die was polished
    >>>>>> or
    >>>>>>> lapped that it
    >>>>>>>> was in fact an `R'.
    >>>>>>>> My question is. what's that pile of ambergris on
    >>>>>>> Britannia's back
    >>>>>>>> is supposed to represent?
    >>>>>>>> Clem
    >>>>>>>> From: colonial-coins@ <mailto:colonial-coins%
    >> 40yahoogroups.com>
    >>> yahoogroups.com
    >>>>>>> [mailto:colonial-
    >>>>>>>> coins@yahoogroups. <mailto:coins%40yahoogroups.com> com]
    > On
    >> Behalf Of
    >>> j.howes
    >>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 9:34 AM
    >>>>>>>> To: colonial-coins@ <mailto:colonial-coins%
    > 40yahoogroups.com>
    >>> yahoogroups.com
    >>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Wood 33 =
    >>>>>>> English Evasion
    >>>>>>>> Morris,
    >>>>>>>> See the attached closeup of the reverse legend.
    >>>>>> I
    >>>>>>> don't think the
    >>>>>>>> 2nd letter is a either a T or an I. Looks more
    >>>>>>> like an F or maybe
    >>>>>>>> a P to me. Definitely not an R.
    >>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
    >>>>>>>> From: Morris Hankins
    >>>>>>>> To: colonial-coins@ <mailto:colonial-coins%
    > 40yahoogroups.com>
    >>> yahoogroups.com
    >>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 2:20 PM
    >>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Wood 33 =
    >>>>>>> English Evasion
    >>>>>>>> Phil, for some time now I have been putting off
    >>>>>>> writing a paper on
    >>>>>>>> this particular coin. Somehow or another, I was
    >>>>>>> under the
    >>>>>>>> impression that Oliver Hoover was submitting a
    >>>>>>> paper to CNL on this.
    >>>>>>>> I have examined numerous specimens on this coin
    >>>>>>> including two from
    >>>>>>>> JPL, one from ODH, and several from others as
    >>>>>> well
    >>>>>>> as my own.
    >>>>>>>> Based on my observations of these, I assigned
    >>>>>>> Cobwright numbers G.
    >>>>>>>> 0899./B.0099 to the coin with the obverse being
    >>>>>>> Gloriuvs III Vis
    >>>>>>>> and the reverse being Btiti. Bitit is totally
    >>>>>>> wrong in my opinion;
    >>>>>>>> specifically when observing the "I" on the
    >>>>>>> obverse. This "I"
    >>>>>>>> matches the bases of the third and fifth letters
    >>>>>>> on the reverse;
    >>>>>>>> thus Btiti.
    >>>>>>>> The misspellings in the legends are simply
    >>>>>> errors
    >>>>>>> due to someone
    >>>>>>>> not knowing how to spell, which was quite common
    >>>>>>> in those times.
    >>>>>>>> Or he was drunk or hung-over. The Btiti of the
    >>>>>>> reverse probably
    >>>>>>>> started out to be BRITISH which was 'royally'
    >>>>>>> bollixed.
    >>>>>>>> Two examples showed the possibility of the 'L'
    >>>>>> in
    >>>>>>> Gloriuvs possibly
    >>>>>>>> being an 'E', thus possibly being Georiuvs. One
    >>>>>>> of these that
    >>>>>>>> showed this was JPL's example which is the
    >>>>>> highest
    >>>>>>> graded 'Wood 33'
    >>>>>>>> known. The ones described as being BRTIT on the
    >>>>>>> reverse that I
    >>>>>>>> have seen, appear to be a metal flow problem and
    >>>>>>> nothing else.
    >>>>>>>> Trying to squeeze an 'R' in simply doesn't work.
    >>>>>>>> In summation, these are English Evasions
    >>>>>> imported
    >>>>>>> into the Canada
    >>>>>>>> and the U.S. and were well circulated in the
    >>>>>>> Northeast states.
    >>>>> === message truncated ===
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    <tt>JOHN -- et al<br>
    The URL to the Blacksmiths eSIG is <br>
    <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BlacksmithTokens/">http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BlacksmithTokens/</a><br>
    If someone is not now a member, just click on "Join this group".<br>
    John Lorenzo wrote:
    <blockquote cite="midfn3b7i+ulp7@eGroups.com" type="cite">
    <pre wrap="">I did send my W33 specimens to Morris awhile back when we were
    discussing the W33/Evasion attribution and at that point I mentioned
    the legend change from the Blacksmith Wood reference and the Baker
    confirmation discussion of 1995 from BITIT to BRTIT. Remember - this
    legend was BITIT for 85 years - lets be patient here - lets see what
    Morris has after looking at my W33's and what he had in his
    collection - I may have closed the door a bit too quickly here - on
    other possibilities. My collection is able to viewed as Jim S. has
    mentioned if anyone cares to view a good size group of W33's at the
    Yahoo-Blacksmith Chat Room site. I am sure you can contact JS as he
    likes to add members to E-Sig groups - right Jim <BG>.

    --- In <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com">colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com</a>, "John Lorenzo" <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:jlorenzo@..."><jlorenzo@...></a>
    <blockquote type="cite">
    <pre wrap="">Thanks Clem - the one thing I CAN NOT answer here is - Is there
    <pre wrap=""><!---->more
    <blockquote type="cite">
    <pre wrap="">than one die therefore creating more than one legend variation? I
    was always working under the assumption it was only ONE particular
    Britain abbreviation with only one working die or if you will only
    one die marriage when I reported this finding to Baker in 2/1995. I
    think? Morris's work may have extended this to several? die
    <pre wrap=""><!---->marriages
    <blockquote type="cite">
    <pre wrap="">or die states which may be confusing the overall picture or people
    not seeing anything close to an R. I really do not think its die
    state as its probably more of a specimen preservation issue if its
    indeed only one obverse and one reverse die for W33. You really
    <pre wrap=""><!---->need
    <blockquote type="cite">
    <pre wrap="">to have a good Wood 33 - almost XF+/AU minimally to see the R - my
    2Cents anyway. This whole investigation needs further work.

    --- In <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com">colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com</a>, "Clement V. Schettino"
    <copperclem@> wrote:
    <blockquote type="cite">
    <pre wrap="">Hang in there John. I'm not totally sure about what else you're
    <pre wrap="">saying here
    <blockquote type="cite">
    <pre wrap="">or even if we're talking about the same thing, but the example
    <pre wrap=""><!---->
URL source Date publiée
  • 2008-01-21
  • 1

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Auteur NNP