Coin Relief Pubblico Deposited
- Coin Relief. Very low relief which can be rendered into a die that can strike a piece with a single blow in a coining press. A form of bas-relief (French for low-relief), this would best be described as low, low-relief (Italian stiacciato). In addition to no tall projects of relief, coin relief has a narrow band of modulated relief. It is modeled close to the background with absolutely no undercuts, or bevel of less than 15°, on all lettering and design – the die must be able to strike and withdraw quickly with this relief. Thus the model must have these same restrictions as the coin die.Coin relief models are prepared on a basin that is slightly dished. This aids in preparing a die with a modeled die camber where all the relief is below the rim. The theory is that this reduces wear on coins struck from such a die – the rim bears the brunt of the constant wear (at least such wear against flat surfaces). In modeling a coin model artists can check that the relief remains below the height of the rim by placing a straight edge, as a ruler placed across the diameter of the model. Coin relief is measured with a depth gauge. See relief. The following entry is a stub. You may wish to submit further content which describes the subject in greater detail. It also needs photo(s) or drawing(s) to exemplify the subject or content. Contact editor:
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An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology
For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators
Roger W. Burdette, Editor